Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the Patriots Initiative?
Founded in 2008, The Patriots Initiative (TPI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that has become a leading and trusted place where Americans can go to quickly gain awareness and smartly contribute resources to support the critical, unmet needs of the nation’s all-volunteer armed forces members, veterans and their families.
WE MAKE IT SIMPLE FOR INSPIRED AMERICANS TO SUPPORT THE NATION’S ARMED FORCES COMMUNITIES. TPI has thoroughly evaluated and vetted hundreds of nonprofits to identify and accredit those few actually doing the best work serving our nation’s warriors… and TPI channels drive impactful philanthropy to these exceptional programs through its four distinct Funds to insure that donors will be impactful and serve the most critical needs.
Also, through its WARRIORS IN TRANSTION program, TPI provides unique resources – a simple yet comprehensive, online ‘clearinghouse’ of vetted information and links – to the finest employment, education, training and mentor/support programs available to American veterans and warriors transitioning from active duty to the private sector when their service to the nation is complete.
To date, THE PATRIOTS INITIATIVE has made approximately $1.3 Million in grants to those doing the very best nonprofit work, through the most impactful programs that truly improve the lives of America’s armed forces communities.
TPI is commencing its national rollout during 2016, enabling local/regional TPI Chapters to begin helping all Americans to “Answer the Call” during this challenging 21st Century.
Who is the Patriots Initiative?
We are a volunteer community of accomplished people from all walks of life, supported by a professional and knowledgeable staff. All are accomplished, proven leaders in their fields. Many of us have served in our nation’s military, and we share a profound respect for those who wear our nation’s uniform and a commitment to honor their duty and sacrifice. Together, we strive to recognize the dedication and sacrifices made by our armed forces, raise awareness and support for the growing needs of military families and veterans, contribute resources to only the finest military and veteran focused nonprofit organizations and to fill the gaps not covered by government programs.
TPI was founded in 2008, in Rancho Santa Fe, CA (San Diego County), a region which is home to the nation’s largest concentration of active duty and veteran military populations. Because of our direct, active involvement, range of contacts and resources, we have developed a unique capability to fully understand, evaluate and vet the wide range of nonprofit organizations that serve the nations’ armed forces community space. TPI is commencing its national rollout during 2016, enabling local/regional TPI Chapters around the country to begin helping all Americans to “Answer the Call” during this challenging 21st Century.
What does the Patriots Initiative Do?
We make it simple for inspired Americans to support the nation’s armed forces communities by channeling and driving our donors’ gifts only to the most effective, impactful projects run by the very finest nonprofits.
And, we make it simple for American warriors and vets to transition into the private sector when their service to the nation is complete.
The Patriots Initiative researches and rigorously evaluates any nonprofits providing services to the military space and reveals the very finest ones doing the best work.Through our comprehensive, 8-point vetting process we compile THE DIRECTORY, a comprehensive selection of only the most trustworthy and effective nonprofits conducting remarkable programs that improve the lives of military service members and their families. TPI then directs our donors’ gifts only to the most impactful projects at these organizations which have earned the right to be listed amongst the finest.
And, through our WARRIORS IN TRANSITION program TPI provides unique resources – a “clearinghouse” of vetted information and links – to the finest employment, education, training and mentor/support organizations available to veterans and warriors transitioning from active duty to the private sector when their service is complete. It’s a simple, comprehensive portal for quickly assessing the landscape of the best career or educational opportunities available to all vets.
How does TPI identify, research and select the best nonprofits?
The Patriots Initiative’s has developed, tested and perfected a complete, comprehensive and professional vetting process that identifies those exceptional organizations that have engaged in “best practices” and have proven themselves to be effective, efficient and reliable service providers.
In order to be accredited by TPI, each charity must complete a comprehensive questionnaire and undergo a thorough evaluation by TPI staff and Board Review Committee to confirm their capabilities, expertise and effectiveness by focusing on eight criteria:
- Measuring Effectiveness
- Financial Condition
- Efficiency (the % of Revenues directed to the program)
- Transparency, Accountability, Governance
- Leadership and Staff Commitment
- Legal and Organizational Status
- Accreditations
- Other Factors

It’s a rigorous but fair process… and the finest organizations are revealed. To date, TPI has evaluated approximately 300 nonprofits serving the armed forces space, and only 100 (+/-) of them have been accredited by TPI as being amongst the finest, worthy of a listing on THE DIRECTORY.
How can I get involved, or as you say, "Answer the call"?"
In any one of five ways…
- DONATE to TPI to support the needs of our military communities. Your gift may be designated for any of four TPI Funds…
- TPI Family Support Fund
- TPI Wounded and Fallen Fund
- TPI Warriors In Transition Fund
- TPI Discretionary Fund
- BECOME A PATRON OF TPI. Special donors designate their gifts to support TPI’s operations, because they feel strongly about the importance of TPI’s work, its accomplishments and TPI’s role in encouraging and engaging all Amercans’ support for our nation’s armed forces members, veterans and their families. TPI PATRONS enjoy special benefits, including private access to important TPI events and activities.
- VOLUNTEER… contribute your time and talents to support military service members and their families. THE PATRIOTS INITIATIVE identifies opportunities and events that are inspiring and valuable for all involved.
- WARRIORS IN TRANSITION… TPI’s program seeks sage advisors, mentors and meaningful career opportunities. Employers and education/training institutions with bonafide programs tailored for veterans are encouraged to contact us ASAP. TPI stands ready to help our nation’s service members through the difficult transition of finding careers in the private sector when their military service is complete.
- BECOME A LEADER OF A LOCAL TPI CHAPTER… TPI’s national rollout is underway and capable, experienced leaders are needed across the country to bring TPI’s vital mission to every region. Contact us if interested in learning more about becoming a TPI Chapter Leader.
Please describe the four TPI funds. How does my donation to TPI actually benefit our military service members and their families?
TPI Family Support Fund – Military families make huge sacrifices, too. “TPI Family Support Fund” supports active military and veteran families in crisis or need… which can range from basic needs (food, clothing, shelter) to counseling/support services to scholarships, and more.
TPI Wounded and Fallen Fund – Many have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation. The “TPI Wounded and Fallen Fund” supports service members and dependents when injury or catastrophic events occur… immediately, and during the years following.
TPI Warriors in Transition – “TPI Warriors in Transition” supports transitioning service members and veteran warriors through the process of moving back into civilian employment or educational opportunities.
TPI Discretionary Fund – Not sure which organization to support? TPI’s Advisory Board directs grants from the “TPI Discretionary Fund” to programs with the highest need and impact at nonprofits accredited by THE DIRECTORY.
Does TPI cost me anything?
If you are a DONOR seeking to support America’s armed forces communities, 100% of your gift made to TPI will directly support the nonprofit causes/programs you choose. TPI does not reduce, dilute or otherwise reallocate any of your gifts to support its own operations. Some TPI donors – we call them PATRONS – do make their gifts to TPI designated specifically to support TPI’s operations, because they feel strongly about the importance of TPI’s work, its accomplishments and TPI’s role in encouraging and engaging all Amercans’ tangible support for our nation’s armed forces members, veterans and their families. TPI PATRONS enjoy special benefits and private access to TPI programs and events.
If you are a TRANSITIONING WARRIOR/VETERAN needing assistance with your move into the private sector after your service to the nation is complete… TPI’s WARRIORS IN TRANSITION program is available to you completely free of charge. TPI makes this valuable resource tool available to you… a comprehensive portal of information and direct links to the nation’s best employers, education or training institutions and mentors/advisors, alike. The rest is up to you! We wish you good luck, and respectfully thank you for your service to the nation.
If you are a NONPROFIT seeking to be evaluated by TPI and accredited for inclusion in THE DIRECTORY, or if you are an EMPLOYER, EDUCATOR/TRAINER OR OTHER RESOURCE seeking to be evaluated by TPI and included in the WARRIORS IN TRANSTION MATRIX… there is no cost, no fee required. Inclusion/accreditation is obtained solely on merit based on TPI’s rigorous but fair evaluation protocols.
How does TPI make me a smarter and more effective donor?
Upfront, we make you more efficient and effective because we’ve already done the extensive due diligence required to identify the most worthy causes and the finest nonprofit service providers. Then, once your TPI donation has been made, we follow up with every nonprofit to insure that your dollars are invested as you intended.
Not only does 100% of your donation to The Patriots Initiative go directly to support the programs of your choice, we work with only the very best charitable agencies that meet our rigorous performance standards for efficiency, effectiveness and impact. Only those nonprofits that can qualify for THE DIRECTORY receive support from TPI through its competitive grantmaking process… to insure your donation goes to only the most impactful, critical project or programs.
Can I direct my gifts to my preferred areas of interest (i.e. military families, wounded & fallen, veterans, etc.)?
Yes, your gifts can be directed to any of the four TPI Funds (TPI Discretionary Fund, TPI Family Support Fund, TPI Wounded and Fallen Fund, or TPI Warriors in Transition Fund), or directly to an nonprofit organization selected from THE DIRECTORY.
Can I direct my gifts to TPI to specific nonprofits that I select from 'The Directory'?
Yes, your gifts can be directed to any of the nonprofits selected from THE DIRECTORY.
Can I simplify the process even more by having TPI make the decisions, on my behalf, to direct my gifts to the most critical needs and important projects that TPI discovers and recommends?
Yes, by making your gifts to the TPI Discretionary Fund, TPI’s Advisory Board will direct your gifts to the most impactful, critical projects or programs with the highest need at nonprofits accredited by THE DIRECTORY.
What percentage of my donation is actually received by the nonprofits?
You can be confident that 100% of your donation to any of TPI’s Funds, guided by our firsthand knowledge and expertise, will be directed to the most impactful, critical projects or programs serving military service members and their families. TPI does not reduce, dilute or otherwise take any of your gift to support its own operations. Some donors – we call them PATRONS – do make their gift to TPI designated specifically to support TPI’s operations, because they feel strongly about the importance of TPI’s work, its accomplishments and TPI’s role in encouraging and engaging all Amercans’ support for our nation’s armed forces members, veterans and their families.
What is the need? Why this mission?
PHILANTHROPIC SUPPORT: The 21st Century challenges faced by America’s all-volunteer military, veterans and their families are well documented. Our nation is asking far fewer to do much more… and the economic, emotional, physical and professional strains they endure are extraordinary. Yet America’s warriors and veterans – young and old, alike – are undaunted and accomplish much; they are inspiring in their defense of our nation.
Since 1776, Americans have always ‘Answered the Call’ to serve the nation, giving of themselves and in many cases giving their lives in defense of the freedoms we all enjoy today.
America’s military service members and their families deserve the best we can give them.
Yet, today, it’s well known – some would say it’s a national embarrassment, or an eyesore – regarding the lack of effective support/treatment and assistance the US government provides to our military veterans and their families. The VA debacles are perhaps the most widely publicized, but certainly not the only concerns. This is not a political comment, just a stark reality… Frankly, today’s US government isn’t well suited, organized or focused for effectively dealing with these widespread challenges. Fortunately, Americans are stepping up – through the nonprofit organizations emerging across the nation’s private sector – to address these gaps and oversights… and solutions are organically emerging throughout the nation. That’s the good news!
But with the hundreds of well-intentioned nonprofits evolving to address the armed forces communities’ needs, how is any donor supposed to identify the very best ones doing the finest work that merit our financial support with philanthropic gifts?
That’s where THE PATRIOTS INITIATIVE comes in… TPI has already done the homework, evaluated hundreds of nonprofit organizations to discern the most worthy, operating with best practices and making significant differences in the lives of America’s military communities.
TRANSITIONING WARRIORS: As of January 2013, roughly 844,000 veterans were unemployed and looking for work, including 252,000 post-9/11 veterans. Each year the military separates between 240,000 and 360,000 service members, and as we drawdown from the wars in Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world, the military is expected to separate a million service members over the next several years. Thereafter, the rollover/transition rate will remain high for the foreseeable future. Yet, despite having valuable technical, military, leadership and team experience, along with a proven work ethic, veterans frequently find it difficult to transition their military skills into the civilian workforce and struggle to find suitable employment. Our military service members and their families make great sacrifices in the service of our nation, and when their service is concluded, we owe it to our veterans and their families to help them accomplish a successful transition into the civilian workforce.
What is the importance and relevance of an all-volunteer American military in the 21st century?
Less than one percent of America’s population will volunteer for active military service this 21st century, a participation rate that is 1/20th of that during WWII. That’s the lowest participation rate in American history, and also has important implications for our national culture, governmental leadership and decision-making capabilities as the 21st Century plays out. While our ‘technology and peace’ dividends enable us to operate with significantly reduced numbers, today’s forces which number approximately 2.5 million are shouldering the vital responsibility of protecting our country and our freedoms from all immediate and developing threats across the entire globe. Supporting our armed services and strengthening military families is both critical to our national security and is a national moral obligation.
Why do we need to actively assist today's warriors who are transitioning into private sector careers when their service to the nation is complete?
As young soldiers, marines and sailors leave the armed services in record numbers, educational, vocational and transitional career assistance programs become increasingly more important. When junior enlisted or senior officers, alike, retire from their military careers, support is needed to transition their military skills to the civilian workforce, in order to continue to support their families.
More than ever, America’s businesses, laboratories, agencies, town halls, state houses, and federal branches need the experience, leadership, global frameworks, work ethic and teamwork capabilities provided by this unique and accomplished talent pool… America’s modern military veterans.
Yet these extraordinary skills and accomplishment are difficult to translate – literally – into the ‘business-speak’ of the private sector. So, talents can simply be overlooked at times. Additionally, an unfortunate, national misconception about the stability or health of typical veterans, along with concerns about future reserve call-ups/redeployments has sometimes obstructed wide scale hirings. As Americans are made aware of the truth… and learn about the immense capabilities of this potential labor/talent pool, this misconception is dissipating.
TPI intends to be on the forefront of this effort to increase awareness and to simplify and assist these transitions.
What is the Warriors In Transition (WIT) matrix?
TPI has set up a “bulletin board clearinghouse” feature which lists all significant employment or educational/training opportunities that we become aware of. We call it the WARRIORS IN TRANSITION MATRIX, or “WIT MATRIX” and it’s simple to use… If you’re a transitioning warrior, veteran, or family member go to the WIT MATRIX where you can be directly connected to employers/educators/resources or organizations that have shown a commitment to hiring and supporting our nation’s military and their families as they transition into the civilian workforce.
How can we add our company, school/college or organization to TPI's Warriors In Transition (WIT) Matrix?
If you are an employer/educator/resource or organization that stands ready to help our nation’s service members through the difficult transition of finding careers in the private sector when their military service is complete, please complete the simple, “Request an Evaluation” window, found on the “Warriors in Transition” page of TPI’s website. We look forward to hearing from you and learning about your military veteran programs, and will respond promptly to your inquiry.
How do we get our nonprofit organization evaluated by TPI for qualification/inclusion in the directory?
If you are the leader of a nonprofit organization that supports military service members, the wounded, fallen, veterans or their families and would like The Patriots Initiative to be aware of your program, please complete the “Request an Evaluation” found on “The Directory” page of TPI’s website. We look forward to learning about your work, and working with you through the evaluation process. There is no cost or fee, but it is a rigorous, yet fair examination.
How do the accredited nonprofits receive a grant from TPI?
Each year nonprofits qualifying for “THE DIRECTORY” are eligible to request a TPI grant for their most impactful, critically important project or program serving military service members and their families. TPI thoroughly evaluates each grant request and allocates resources based on merits. Hence, TPI’s resources – its Donors’ gifts – are always directed only to the very most impactful efforts at the very best organizations.
What does a "provisionally qualified" nonprofit listing on the directory mean?
While these nonprofits have shown merit, or perhaps considerable potential, they may be lacking in some areas of performance or supportable information that does not enable them to currently attain full qualification/accreditation status for the TPI DIRECTORY. TPI continues to observe and evaluate these provisionally qualified nonprofits, and we may be seeking additional information or confirmations of their organization’s work. Every “provisionally qualified” member of the TPI Directory will be re-evaluated to determine if they retain or change their current level of qualification.
Who, exactly, is The Patriots Intitiave, where is it located and how long as it existed?
The Patriots Initiative is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. It was founded in 2008 in Rancho Santa Fe, California (located in San Diego County, a region which is home to the nation’s largest concentration of active duty and veteran military populations) originally as a program of the RSF Foundation. TPI has carefully developed its capabilities and expanded its mission to now include a 2016 national rollout… creating new TPI Chapters in cities/regions across the country so that all Americans can simply and confidently “Answer the Call” to support our nation’s armed forces communities.
We are a volunteer community of accomplished people from all walks of life, supported by professional and knowledgeable staff. Many of us have served in our nation’s military, and we share a profound respect for those who wear our nation’s uniform and a commitment to honor their duty and sacrifice. We are focused on leading the effort to deliver impactful resources to those ‘best of class’ nonprofit service providers who support our nation’s military and their families.
To date, TPI has made approximately $1.3 Million in grants to its accredited nonprofits serving the military service communities.
What is the directory?
The Patriots Initiative researches and rigorously evaluates any nonprofits providing services to the military and reveals the very finest ones doing the best work. From our vetting process we compile THE DIRECTORY, a comprehensive selection of only the most trustworthy and effective nonprofits conducting remarkable programs that improve the lives of military service members and their families. TPI then directs our donors’ gifts only to the most impactful projects at these organizations which have earned the right to be listed amongst the finest.
What is the cost?
There is no cost to join TPI’s efforts to support the needs of our nation’s military warriors, veterans and their families. If you are a DONOR… 100% of your donation to The Patriots Initiative goes directly to support the programs of your choice. We work with only the very best charitable agencies that meet our rigorous performance standards for THE DIRECTORY to insure your donation goes to the most impactful, critical project or program. Some donors – we call them PATRONS – do make their gifts to TPI designated specifically to support TPI’s operations, because they feel strongly about the importance of TPI’s work, its accomplishments and TPI’s role in encouraging and engaging all Amercans’ tangible support for our nation’s armed forces members, veterans and their families. TPI PATRONS enjoy special benefits and private access to TPI programs and events.
If you are a TRANSITIONING WARRIOR/VETERAN needing assistance with your move into the private sector after your service to the nation is complete… TPI’s WARRIORS IN TRANSITION program/resources/tool is available to you completely free of charge.
If you are a NONPROFIT seeking to be evaluated by TPI and accredited for inclusion in THE DIRECTORY, or if you are an EMPLOYER, EDUCATOR/TRAINER OR OTHER RESOURCE seeking to be evaluated by TPI and included in the WARRIORS IN TRANSTION MATRIX… there is no cost, no fee required. Inclusion/accreditation is obtained solely on merit based on TPI’s rigorous but fair evaluation protocols.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Because TPI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit your donation is 100% tax deductible. Please, always seek guidance from your professional tax advisor, as everyone’s situation can vary.
Can I donate anonymously? Is my privacy protected by TPI?
You may make your gift anonymously. All contact and other information provided by our donors is protected and not shared with any organization or third party, unless specifically requested/authorized by the Donor. Please refer to TPI’s Privacy Policy, posted on the website, for further details.
Will I be personally recognized for my philanthropic gifts?
You will be personally recognized by TPI for your gifts, and your gifts made via TPI to specific nonprofits will be recognized by those organizations, as well. Of course, if you wish to donate anonymously, your privacy request will be respected.
How do I start, or join the leadership of, a TPI chapter in my local area/region?
TPI is now meeting with proven business, science and community leaders who would like to found a TPI Chapter in their city/region. We have a very simple process for launching new chapters, and quality of leadership is keymost to that effort. TPI has prepackaged all the typical ‘startup/launch’ tasks so that the local chapter can become operational with minimal effort.
Local TPI chapter leaders will have four primary responsibilities, specifically…
- Assist with launching/leading a TPI Chapter in your local area/region;
- Be a TPI Ambassador across your professional and personal spheres of influence;
- Encourage others to join you in supporting TPI by making local donors aware of this vital cause, and identifying local employers/educators/resources who should be listed on the WIT Matrix;
- Recommend military charitable organizations for evaluation and possible listing in TPI’s THE DIRECTORY.
Where can I get more information?
Visit TPI’s website at You can also send an email inquiry to and we will respond promptly.
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