Warriors in Transition

TPI has set up a ‘bulletin board clearinghouse’, called the WIT MATRIX which lists premier employment or educational/training programs that have passed our thorough vetting and evaluation process.
The WIT MATRIX is the nation’s most comprehensive and complete list of direct links to effective and impactful organizations that have shown a commitment to hiring and supporting our nation’s military and their families as they transition into the civilian workforce.
If you are a transitioning warrior, veteran, or family member go to the WIT MATRIX where you can be quickly and efficiently connected to employers, educators, resources or organizations to learn more about their military veteran programs. To simplify and speed your search, we have made the MATRIX sortable by several criteria. We are proud to provide you access to these premier organizations. The rest is up to you. Good luck!
A NOTE TO TRANSTIONING WARRIORS: The WIT MATRIX IS DYNAMIC, CONTINUOUSLY CHANGING… TPI’s staff is regularly updating it as more information and opportunities become known to us. SO, GIVE US YOUR FEEDBACK. Please let us know how this feature is working for you, and send us a quick note with any suggestions, recommendations, or links to any useful sites/programs that you become aware of that should be added here.
OTHER SUPPORT Members of The Patriots Initiative are often recognized as proven leaders in their professional fields. Some may have had similar experiences during their transitions out of the military and can offer practical insights and advice. They stand ready to informally assist those who are transitioning to the private sector in the following ways:
Mentoring: Do you need to learn about an industry or a geographic region? Would you simply like to get an experienced perspective on an industry, business trends or your professional fields of interest? We have leaders and professionals who will be honored to provide you with their insights, suggestions or perhaps some additional contacts. Perhaps you’re trying to evaluate various universities for an advanced degree. We may have alumni from those universities among our members who will be able to give you their candid perspectives and insights so that you can make a fully informed decision.
Resume Advice: skills and responsibilities found in military service are applicable – but not necessarily translatable – to the private sector. The Patriots Initiative has members who will review your resume and advise you on specific ways to make it more understandable – and applicable – to private sector decision makers.
Interviews/Job Postings: From time to time, members (and their companies) may be searching for candidates to fill open positions. When we become aware of these openings, they will be posted on The Patriots Initiative website.
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